
For the next three days I switch back into performer mode portraying Francoise Hardy in L'Edition Francaise at the Triple Door. This is an incredible show for anyone out there who is a fan of French Pop, Yeye culture, dance, burlesque, and boobs. It really is like a scopitone come to life. The show is put on by Lily Verlaine and Kitten La Rue (Some of Seattle's best and brightest where burlesque and dance are concerned). It is one of my favorite local productions and I'm I'm so happy to have a part of it! You really must see this! But tickets HERE.
Above photo of me from last years run by POC photo

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4 Responses so far.

  1. San Smith says:

    Love this pic of you! I hope you have a good time performing :)

  2. Helen says:

    What a cute picture!

  3. You look preeettty amaazing. I love francoise hardy by the way. She is so retro and cool. Oh and your collar is the best thing since sliced bread.

  4. Thanks everyone, I had a blast!
    This dress was given to me by notorious lolita "Girl Jo". It is so wonderful!