
I'm so thrilled to show this amazing piece to you! It was painted by my longtime friend and favorite artist Anastasia Goodin for her Saint series which couldn't be more perfect! Can you believe how much this look like me? I can't! I love my heart shoes and I want this bow bathing suit which looks curiously like a dress Annie used to wear to parties back in the day! Also, how about them claws!

I've known Annie since high school when she used to paint things like Nicole Richie eating anorexic teenage girls off plates and Britney Spears giving birth Virgin Mary style. Since then she's moved to LA and spends her days working in and around haunting motels and painting a myriad of things including but not limited to dolls, Elvis, Taylor Swift, clowns, and Justin Beiber. Her work is unapologetically created for an by a young american girl who is clearly living the dream. One day Annie will own her own motel and have really big hair and too much eyeliner and we'll find her sitting by the pool with several sugar daddies with greaser hair and she'll have a tiny dog that she's dyed pink to match her convertible.
You should all check out more of Anastasia's work on her website and follow her instagram @littleanniemotel for daily L.A. inspiration updates!

One Response so far.

  1. MILEX says:

    I like your fashion choices