
Here I am about a week and a half ago next to my new dining room table! Well at least that's what it was at the time. This preppy outfit was just about all I could squeeze out of my meager closet during the height of my moving period which thankfully is just about over and then the settling period can begin.

It's important to know that I'm a sucker for matching outfit sets, so finding this two piece at H&M in December was a no-regrets buy. Actually, I usually hate H&M. The clothing looks better on the rack than it does on you and everything feels as though it's made out of plastic. I'd like to think of myself as the kind of girl who if I wanted to wear plastic, I'd just wear plastic. I was surprised to find this set was real wool. That means it has a lower chance of falling apart six months down the road!

I must add as well, that in true H&M style, the size 2 skirt fir me just as well as the size 10 top. You heard me. Till next time, America.

Hat and jacket are vintage. Top and skirt set are H&M. Collared shirt is American Apparel. Heels are Marc by Marc Jacobs.

2 Responses so far.

  1. Lali says:



  2. Can't believe that's H&M! Oh my gosh, it looks so vintage...that is a disgustingly perfect shade of orange. The texture looks really nice.