
Out of over 400 guesses I found only three that were correct! I was looking for a very specific color word and that word was.... NAVY
I knew it would be tricky! It seemed the most popular guesses were pink, mint, red, and black but I wanted an unexpected shade for the third colorway. Black was too obvious and a bit obnoxious but navy glitter was chic and interesting. 
Tonight I will be drawing for the winner and will announce them tomorrow! The three finalists who guessed NAVY are:

Carolina Soares
Katie Hopkins
Saturn Jeanine Love

Congrats you three! One of you will be the winner of a fabulous glitter collar in silver, gold, or navy! Stay tuned! you'll be notified tomorrow!
Thank you all for participating! there were some pretty absurd color guesses in there! Even if you didn't pick the winning color, you've given me lots of insight to your fabulous fashion taste! I've got ideas brewing for future collections already!
The gold and navy collars go up for sale online tomorrow and to kick things off I'll be doing a special price of $50 each on them through Friday! Don't miss this chance to get your hands on one half price!
I'll be doing more contests like this in the future! I wish I could just give collars out to each and every one of you but I ain't that rich yet! 

4 Responses so far.

  1. Whitney says:

    My brain positively exploded that it wasn't minty green (aka Stella green) but the navy is classy as hell!

  2. When can I buy the navy collar? :)

  3. I'm going to write a note now about the sale because the navy one is DIVINE!!

  4. Anna- At my web shop: http://stellarosesaintclair.bigcartel.com/