
Hi pals! I know a number of you are still following this blog but I have not posted here in nearly a year. I do however, have a new website with a new bigger better blog for you to follow. 

You can also follow my NEW blog on Bloglovin HERE.

Love to you all!
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Dear loyal Confessions Of a Female Drag Queen readers. I'm sure you are wondering where I've been as of recently. My posts are few and far between, and even though I am busy busy, I have a better excuse than that of where I've been.

Recently I joined the team at Buzznet to continue my blog with them. This means bigger better posts and more excitement for all of us!

However, it also means that Confessions Of A Female Drag Queen is no more. Don't cry yet, this blog isn't going anywhere! it will continue to stand here for you to reference at any time! I'll still be posting my looks, my tips, and my adventures– just over on Buzznet from now on.

I'm thrilled about the next chapter in my blog life. I think this is a much needed change that will carry my blogging to the next level.

I've had a good run with COAFDQ. I thank each and every one of my readers for sticking with me so long and I hope you continue to follow my adventures on Buzznet. 

Stella Rose Saint Clair
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Photo via The French Fry

Being invited to The Blonds runway show for NYFW was a supreme honor. I immediately panicked over what I was going to wear. As my collection of diamond emblazoned dresses is still packed away (JK, I totally don't own a collection of diamond emblazoned dresses. I would however, be happy to babysit such a collection. Any takers?), I figured the easiest way to bejewel would be via glue and my eyebrows. A dip into my rhinestone box later (yes, I do in fact own a rhinestone box, as should you) my face was fit for the occasion. 

It took an awful lot of eye shadow to get my wig to match my hair color. I paired the look with a vintage straw hat and the NARS lip color that I reviewed here. It's going to take me a long time to grow tired of bejeweled eyebrows. Rhinestones are so much better than facial hair.

Hat and earrings are vintage. Shades are Miu Miu. Lipstick is NARS. Eyeliner is Lime Crime. Top is SENA.
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I'm still trying to figure out if I prefer matte or glossy lips in the winter. Oh the tribulations of life. While glossy lip color keeps my lips from chapping, it causes my hair to stick to them as the wind blows. I then turn to my beloved matte lipsticks only to find my lips dry by the end of the day. So what's a lipstick whore to do? Enter the balmy lip color!

I've been living off balmy lipsticks lately. LIVING. The color is major, and they make my lips feel great even after being smacked hard by the icy winds that keep following me around the West Village. Until the winds pick up a clue that I don't want them around, I'm gonna be carrying these lippies in my purse. Take that, winter!

My favorites right now are Too Faced La Creme lipsticks which smell sweet and are super sleek for on the go gals who have way too much in their bags already. I'm also a fan of Anna Sui's lipsticks. They are super creamy, look like a dream in the package, and they smell heavily of ROSES. What more could you ask for?

What creamy lipsticks do you love to use in the dead of winter?

Lipsticks pictured are Anna Sui 301, and Too Faced La Creme in Teddy Berry, Logan Berry, and So Berry Sexy

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I’ve been wanting to share these shots for months that I posed for for the cover of The Unlimited Magazine. I brought all my cream, black, and fur items to photographer Greg Vaughan‘s studio and played dress up against the white backdrop. We shot up in this tall building which was filled with sunlight. Such a fun afternoon

I’m putting a lot of my mothers vintage to work in these shots including the sheer pieces, my magnificent black sun hat, and my studded cuffs! I was going for a retro glamour meets punk rock feeling. Of course, when am I not! Are you as bananas over these images as I am?
All photos by Greg Vaughan 
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Lets talk snow. Like, lots of snow. The sky just took a big fat dump on NYC and I spent exactly half of Fashion Week dragging my self around in it. Not to say that dragging isn't something I do regularly, but this time the experience involved far less weave and faux lashes, and far more freezing winds and random flying ice pieces. During NYFW looking good is officially a mega-priority. But when is it NOT!?

So what do I wear in a blizzard?! Below are the 10 main components of my NYC blizzard look. All fluff no puff. Real tough stuff, no?

1. What can't Over The Knee Socks do?? Okay don't answer that. Even though over the knee socks won't wash my dishes, or advise me about my problems, they sure do keep my legs toasty under and over everything. And when I get hot, I can scrunch them down and look like I'm in Flash Dance. Get a pair in black, or red if you're nasty, and pull those suckers up HIGH.

2. I swore off wearing Skinny Black Denim Jeans for ages until I realized wearing rain boots with nearly everything else made me feel like a clown– more so than I do already! What's great about skinny jeans in a dark color is that you can layer them over socks or tights, and then under a dress keeping you extra warm so you can keep on trekking!

3. Please, stay away from yellow galoshes. They make your feet look giant, and they match virtually nothing unless you're my friend Mischa. Invest in some Cute Boots. Heck, get a few pairs. I like Vivienne Westwood's line for Melissa for low snows. Hunter has some surprisingly chic options as well with fleecy boot socks that fit inside and give you a cozy kankle look. Is that how you spell kankle? Why should I know?

4. The Collared Undershirt is your best friend. I'm telling you, never mind about the rest of the top. It's the collar that works wonders when layering. You can now stuff 5 stupid tee shirts on to your waifish little frame, and as long as the first layer is your collared shirt, you're still gonna look chic. Get one in white. Then in black. Then go crazy. American Apparel makes some totally overpriced slip-on ones in this potentially meltable poly-fake material, and the only reason I'm recommending them is because I got mine at a sample sale for cheap.

5. Is there a reason you haven't yet purchased a Leather Dress? I'm not talking about some slutty Forever 21 backless mini thing. I'm talking stuffy, long sleeved, and straight forward. I bought myself this awful one on Ebay and ripped out the deluxe shoulder pads, and now it fits me like a leather pencil sack and it's great. Layer this over your collared shirt and you'll be extra warm and on point with a look that works both day and night. If you find a cheap pleather version of this, don't pass it up. Pleather breathes terribly which will keep you feeling HOT, and that's just what you need.

6. Why are you not taking advantage of Fluffy Earrings? I wear a pair of vintage mink earrings in the cold which act as tiny mini ear muffs for my lobes– a concept that sounds filthy to me now that I've typed it out. Eeew. I swear it looks better than it sounds...

7. Okay, so every time I pull on my black Knit Hat I feel like I should start taking selfies for Tumblr. Not that I don't LOVE Tumblr. And selfies. The thing about a knit hat is, it stays put. I own over 100 beautiful hats, but it's my 2 ugly ones that come out when the snow hits because they don't blow away. Just paint on some mega-lips so people still recognize you under all that synthetic fiber, though I recommend WOOL.

8. When conditions are wet, the Plastic Purse is suddenly practical! I know purchasing that clear vinyl backpack made you feel totally throwback Claire's boutique 1998, but you'll have the last laugh when everyone else is complaining about their saturated knockoff MK's.

9. And finally, snow gets in your eyes when it falls. This sucks for two reasons. 1. It hurts. And 2. It like, totally fucks up your eyemakeup. Actually, I try to go linerless most snow days, but sometimes the day just calls for wings, shadow, and shading. Let a pair of Fierce Frames be your snow goggles by day and if travelng after dark is dire, Top your look off with some clear ones. Everyday eyeglass wearers need not apply!

Pictured: Glasses are Miu Miu. Bag is Furla. Shirt is SENA. Shoes are Melissa. Earrings and Dress are Vintage.

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Yesterday I modeled some space-age garb at the Chromat FW13 presentation! I get mistaken for a mannequin a lot so playing a human mannequin is a fiting job for me. I'm pretty good at standing still even though it was pretty cold in the Industria Superstudio.


My look was retro pin up from mars with no camp and all holograms. Even on my brows! My pals Gina Frey and Ashley Spedale were doing the makeup and I spent my backstage time hanging out with them, and my fellow models claw twin Jordan Fox and Angela Pham from Gallery Girls! I had so many friends in the audience, I was trying not to break face with people winking and sticking their tongue out at me! Hello? Modeling is serious business! Half the girls backstage barely cracked a smile the whole time. Spacewear is very very serious!

Check out more of Chromat HERE
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Here I am about a week and a half ago next to my new dining room table! Well at least that's what it was at the time. This preppy outfit was just about all I could squeeze out of my meager closet during the height of my moving period which thankfully is just about over and then the settling period can begin.

It's important to know that I'm a sucker for matching outfit sets, so finding this two piece at H&M in December was a no-regrets buy. Actually, I usually hate H&M. The clothing looks better on the rack than it does on you and everything feels as though it's made out of plastic. I'd like to think of myself as the kind of girl who if I wanted to wear plastic, I'd just wear plastic. I was surprised to find this set was real wool. That means it has a lower chance of falling apart six months down the road!

I must add as well, that in true H&M style, the size 2 skirt fir me just as well as the size 10 top. You heard me. Till next time, America.

Hat and jacket are vintage. Top and skirt set are H&M. Collared shirt is American Apparel. Heels are Marc by Marc Jacobs.

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Things have been a little chaotic in my life recently since I've been in a state of moving house for the past couple weeks. Is "moving house" a valid state to be in? It sure feels like it. All of my things remain in boxes because I have no furniture, and finding my way around them has been confusing above anything. How does one get ready in the morning when their favorite hats are in an unmarked box, and they can't remember which area of the apartment they left their hairbrush? What a disaster...

Somehow,  I expected getting settled would be something I could accomplish in a week, but trying to balance setting up a new place with work and daily tasks is definitely proving difficult! I only hope to be fully back in action as soon as possible. Leaving my pink cake box of a bedroom was sad but it was definitely time to expand. Here's to a new chapter in NYC!
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Everyone is freaking out about the rhinestone lips at the Dior couture show. Okay, fine. I was freaking out about them too, because clearly, they were amazing! However, I feel the need to point out the obvious here and let you all know that I rocked the red rhinestone lip first! Actually a big group of us did. It was for a fashion show put on by my friend Artstar several years back. Red rhinestones were meticulously applied to our lips with spirit gum rendering it fairly difficult to speak or make any real facial expressions. Practical? Of course not! But the shine outdid any lip gloss!

I'm thinking of bringing the look back– at least for clubbing. What do think. Would you rock a crystal lip in the name of fabulous?
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I'm so thrilled to show this amazing piece to you! It was painted by my longtime friend and favorite artist Anastasia Goodin for her Saint series which couldn't be more perfect! Can you believe how much this look like me? I can't! I love my heart shoes and I want this bow bathing suit which looks curiously like a dress Annie used to wear to parties back in the day! Also, how about them claws!

I've known Annie since high school when she used to paint things like Nicole Richie eating anorexic teenage girls off plates and Britney Spears giving birth Virgin Mary style. Since then she's moved to LA and spends her days working in and around haunting motels and painting a myriad of things including but not limited to dolls, Elvis, Taylor Swift, clowns, and Justin Beiber. Her work is unapologetically created for an by a young american girl who is clearly living the dream. One day Annie will own her own motel and have really big hair and too much eyeliner and we'll find her sitting by the pool with several sugar daddies with greaser hair and she'll have a tiny dog that she's dyed pink to match her convertible.
You should all check out more of Anastasia's work on her website and follow her instagram @littleanniemotel for daily L.A. inspiration updates!
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After moving down the street from a few popular NYC nightclubs, I can finally start turning out extra-wacky drag looks without worrying about subway drama or cab fare. I went pompadour glam for an Elvis/Bowie birthday bash last week and ended up looking like some sort of Nina Hagen Smutty Smith hybrid which could never be a bad thing.

Lesson of the night was, if you don't have a matching top, just don''t wear one! I look like a big drag lesbian in my topless moto look but at least my lovers Hester Sunshine and Gigi Rose are cute as can be! Here's to the drag looks of the future 2013!

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Tonight is the premier of Ru Paul's Drag Race Season 5 and I'm thrilled to announce that my dear friend Jinkx Monsoon is one of the contestants! Jinkx is an extremely talented performer who has made a huge name for herself in Seattle. She is currently starting in a production of Hedwig and the Angry Inch at the Moore theater so if you're located in the North West, please attend the show for me!
In the meantime, check out more of Jinkx at JinkxMonsoon.com
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These are some of the last photos taken at my old place. That's right folks, I've finally moved downtown and I'm very excited about it even though it meant giving up my big pink cake box room. I'll just have to paint up a new pink room and I plan to very soon!

If you've been wondering where I've been for the past couple weeks, you now know that I've been packing things up, carrying heavy boxes, and doing other not-so-glamorous things like wearing jeans and making a mess. Life is beginning to come back together again though and hopefully my new downtown life will be three times as fun as my uptown one.

This was an outfit I wore right before moving to a fancy but early party in a midtown artist studio. I bought myself this Moschino dress as a birthday present in November with no regrets! It's a gorgeous piece. This outfit felt a bit "waiting for Spring" with all the soft colors. It was still warm out when I took these and today there is snow on the ground. Spring must be a long way off...

Headscarf and stole are vintage. Dress is Moschino. Shoes are alberta Ferretti. Lipstick is OCC Lip Tar in Electric Grandma.

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Peter Koloff put together this gorgeous video of my shoot with Betania Sikora, Te$$ Money, Angelina Scantlebury, and Angelica Vargas. Magic, weave, and extra pale foundation make for a great look. Check out more of Peters work HERE. Enjoy!

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My merk-a-licious hair is starting to grow on me. I would say literally but that's just the extensions talking! Really though, green roots are all the rage if me and DJ Colby B have anything to say about it. we both showe up to the club on Thursday with a green fade– hers black, mine blonde. Clearly we're doing something right. Check out my night at Hotel Chantelle with Colby, Darian Darling, Fetish, Nicky Digital, and McMike!

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A behind the scenes look at the styling for a shoot I did yesterday with Betiana Sikora. Te$$ Money did makeup and Angelica Vargas handled the hair. I was having an awful lot of fun looking gorgeously murderous with bloody fingers and angry brows with hair down to my butt! I'll show you the shots we got eventually but here's a crop of snaps by me and videographer Peter Koloff.

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